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Provence McKinney

Being US based, I had to scout for a hosting partner in America that met the same requirements as my preferred cPanel hosting provider in Australia. It was trickier than expected as most hosts in the US did not publish the critical information that mattered to me, including RAM, CPU allowance, I/O and similar specifications. I had to contact a few to request these details and settled on Green Geeks as they answered all my technical questions without hesitation.

With hosting sorted tackling Provence goal of a catalogue styled site for their variations of home elevations. Using WooCommerce was a great fit as it can be turned into a catalogue over a normal site while still being incredibly simple to use to add variations with gallery images. To complete the process, I provided a more in-depth enquiry form using gravity forms and addons that began walking the client through the home design process. All this information is then passed onto Provence sales team to allow them to tailor their response to that client specifically.

The site arrived in a poor condition, having been through multiple hacks via plugin vulnerabilities due to lack of updates. It was on 48+ spam lists, with infected files throughout the WordPress core, theme, content & plugins. Working using clean browsing tools, I was able to remove the domain from all blacklists and build it on a clean WordPress install. Now on a maintenance plan and hardened with Web Application Firewall Provence McKinney will not fall to the same fate.

Project Highlights:

  • Cleaning a heavily infected domain
  • Researching US cPanel hosting providers
  • Building WooCommerce catalogue to specifications
  • Custom onboarding gravity form