A hello speach bubble in neon signs on a black background

Hey, I'm Antoni

I am a self-taught WordPress web designer in Australia. I specialise in making small business budget friendly websites and implimenting great value business IT systems and solutions.

My passion is finding new enterprise grade solutions that can be used by small businesses at an affordable cost, so every business can benefit from the productivity, security & efficiency that comes with the and the advancement of technology.

my experience

I’ve been making websites since the days of Microsoft FrontPage & GeoCities in high school, my first blog was hosted on a free .tk domain.
Even back then I was looking at how to save on costs. Things have come a long way since then and now I design and support business websites professionally.

In addition I’ve involved myself in franchising based businesses throughout Australia. This lets me work closely with small business owners directly, as well as with the decision makers of businesses  who want the business IT tools available them that large enterprise businesses are using. With the rapid speed of the evoution of technology,  many more options for tools and Business IT solutions have opened up to small businesses that were previously reserved behind enterprise price walls. 

In 2012, the company I was working for needed a website, after hearing the obscene prices professional companies were charging, I dove in to start working on a new WordPress website for them, I went on to rebuild and modernise it a a few years later and they still use that site to this day. Since then I have built many more WordPress websites for multiple businesses in Australia, US & UK. I also provide on-going maintence, updates, tweaks & additions to many of those sites too.

I spend a lot of my free time learning and exploring new technologies or experimenting with ones I know. I dive into anything tech related from PC building, Windows, IoT, VPS, Linux and anything that might fall between. My desires always draw me to security related new additions to the tech world and implimenting, testing and learning from them as soon as possible.

my qualifications

my site is affordable

Without much compromise I made my own website by using as many low cost tools and solutions as possible, to showcase affordable sites are viable without issue.

This site is still hosted in Australia and will perform well for any visitor world-wide. It retains all security and optimsations you would expect from a business website.

While not what I’d suggest for a  business website to a client, it performs better than most potential client’s previous websites I’ve been asked to audit.

  • Domain: USD$8/yr
  • Hosting: USD$9.60/yr
    Sydney AU, 1 GB RAM, cPanel, PHP 7.3+, MariaDB 10.x+
  • SSL (TLS 1.3 & 1.2 only) & DNSSEC: Free
  • WordPress Theme: Free
  • Page Builder: Free
  • Royalty Free Images: Free
  • WordPress Optimisation & Caching: Free
  • Wordwide CDN: Free
  • Web Application Firewall & Daily Scans: Free
  • WordPress Hardening: Free
  • 99.9%+ Uptime (status)